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The Ultimate Detox + Manual Lymph DrainageLet manual lymph drainage support your own detox programTrying to detox? Been as successful as you'd like it to be? Detox the easy way by allowing Manual Lymph Drainage to support you in your own detox program. Whatever detox program you are using, the waste and toxins have to be dealt with and removed from the body, or they just end up right back where they started. The body has designed the perfect avenue of removal for any and all toxins from the body, and that is through the lymph system. That's what it is designed to do. The downside is that whenever the body becomes compromised with poison or toxicity, the body goes into hyperdrive to remove it, and exhausts itself in the process. This slows the circulation, and recycling of the lymph, which also increases the likelihood of fatigue and lethargy. Detoxification (or detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from the body, whether these have been ingested, inhaled, absorbed, created by the body, or a mixture of all four. Sometimes a detox is for a specific purpose, such as gas poisoning, alcohol poisoning, drug poisoning, heavy metal poisoning, or some other reason. And, sometimes, people choose to detox to give their body a rest. The gastro-intestinal track, the liver, kidneys, blood and skin can all be the subject of particular types of detox program. Other types of detox involve 'diet detoxification', and this can be of benefit if, for example, you discover you are allergic to specific foods, and want to follow a specific dietary program. A short internal detox can be helpful if the change is of some urgency. The liver and kidneys automatically detoxify and excrete many of the toxic materials ingested, or produced by the body, including metabolic waste. When this is accelerated through a detox program, you can sometimes feel a generalized feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being. You will recognize it because this malaise is a symptom that can occur with almost any significant health condition. The general advice to drink plenty of water during a detox is because of these symptoms, and you my find that the symptoms subside rather more rapidly when you provide sufficient carrier fluids to dilute and remove the excess cellular toxicity and waste. It may interest you to know, that the water you drink gets to your organs of detox, including the skin, via absorbtion into the bloodstream and from the returning lymph. The water absorbed directly from the gut is beneficial in diluting the toxicity, which quite naturally increases output from the body, but the part that cleanses the body is the water that is passed into the cells and then into the lymph system. This means that whilst good blood circulation, and hence water delivery (the clean supply), is important in keeping the detoxifying organs healthy, the water that circulates into the cells, the interstitial spaces and then back into circulation via the lymph system (the dirty supply), is vital in purifying the whole body. Not unreasonably, the lymph is thicker than water, and flows rather more sluggishly than the energetically pumped blood supply. This sluggishness can be further increased by lack of exercise, low energy, tiredness, and eventually exhaustion. The idea of using Manual Lymphatic Drainage here is to increase lymphatic return, which allows for more rapid removal of accumulated harmful substances, and for cleaner fluid (water/nutrients) to then take its place, encouraging a significant increase in flushing of the cells of the body, and removal of their toxicity and/or stagnation. Most people will notice a return of vibrancy that they hadn't expected, and certainly more energy than can come from a detox alone! Detoxification usually includes one or more of: dieting, fasting, consuming exclusively or avoiding specific foods (such as fats, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, juices, herbs, or water), colon cleansing, chelation therapy, or the removal of dental fillings. Whatever your reasons for doing your detox, you will find you achieve better results when combining your efforts with Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Use MLD to support you during your detox program. Whether you are detoxing by diet, fasting, using exclusive consumption or abstention, colon cleansing, chelation therapy, or anything else, you will find that manual lymphatic drainage will give you the edge. Just a few treatments, on a regular basis, while you are detoxing will accelerate and support your detox like nothing else around. If this idea resonates with you, I invite you to visit The Haven Healing Centre in Cheddar for a course of treatments. Appointments and a treatment price list are available by clicking here. I look forward to welcoming you soon. Phil. Please share this page with your friends. Thank you.
Note: DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. It's a small investment in yourself, but could be a life-changing experience you will cherish forever. |
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