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The Importance of Palliative Care and Self HelpPalliative Care is about Quality of Life and Help With SymptomsA breakthrough idea is now being trialled at The Haven Healing Centre - come and try for yourself!Why is palliative care important? Far too many people just think palliative care is about caring into dying, or, for terminally ill patients, when the primary concern is the management of their late stage symptoms. It is structured to provide relief from pain and other symptoms as well as improving phychological and spiritual care. This aspect of palliative care is vital both for patients and thier families, helping them to cope during the pain, stress, suffering and subsequent bereavement. This is not the type of palliative care that I am really talking about. Please explain I see palliative care as being one way of keeping your health in peak condition for most of the time. That is possible because you are giving the body a treat that increases your wellbeing, reduces pain, supports immune function and heads off any tendency to deteriorate rapidly once a problem is identified. This ensures you start from an already elevated position physically, so 1st, you are in a better frame of mind to take bad news, and 2nd, you already have the experience of recognizing improvement, so you already believe in your own ability to get better. 3rd, you tend to slow down the onset of disease because of your positive outlook. I believe that very often the rapid progression of many diseases happens because people believe they are doomed. They are told there's no hope, no cure, no reason for this, it's just your bad luck. Often the cure is worse than the disease and they end up with a mindset that is destructive and self fulfilling. Taking positive action creates hope and chipping away at the symptoms can make even serious diseases bearable. How does palliative care work? I know this is true because I regularly treat patients with MS, fibromyalgia and other conditions, for which there is 'no cause and no cure', and none of them apportion any blame or hatred for having this disease. Their main concern is the pain. I quite often hear phrases like; 'You know Phil, I don't mind that I've got MS, or fibromyalgia. I've had it so long now I understand it's become part of who I am. But it's the pain I can't stand, or it's the constant pain that drags me down. If only I could do something about that without being drugged up to the eyeballs'. A gentle massage that helps to control the pain is a benefit that, whilst not a cure, is definitely a help toward acceptance and improved quality of life. Someone who gets lower back pain at 8wk intervals, regular as clockwork, can seek palliative care on a six week rotating appointment. This strategy very often stalls the onset of backache and the person can go on to lead a painfree existence, without ever putting his back out again. So you move from crisis management to controlled management and a painfree life. That's got to be worth considering. What treatments will you be using on me? That depends on what is wrong with you, the issues you face, and the results you want to achieve. But we may variously agree to treat you with massage, Spinal Touch, Reflexology, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP, Counselling or Bio Stress Release, perhaps differently each time, or focused on one type of treatment once we establish which suits you best and achieves your goals. Headaches and Migraine: Treating regularly with Indian head massge, can bring rapid, prolonged relief. Constipation: Let me show you how to massage your own tummy daily, so that constipation can't get a hold. Pregnancy: Don't let SPD or PGP ruin the joy of your pregnancy. Visit: Backache or Back Pain: This is beautifully tackled with Spinal Touch and can be kept in check for a long, long time. Ankylosing Spondylitis: Continued treatments can increase range of movement and comfort in AS. Degenerative Disc Disorder: Again, Spinal Touch is beneficial for DDD because it increases ROM. Fibromyalgia: Usually improves following massage/lymph drainage massage hybrid treatment. Pain (Chronic/Complex/Acute): Pain is often the result of the mind/body not knowing what to do about a particular problem. Regular medication tends to disguise or mask the problem makng it difficult to identify. Regular attention with a variety of treatments stirs things up so that the mind/body connection can target the area with healing chemicals, including oxygen. Sports Injury: Preventative massage is ideal and promotes early discovery of muscle damage. Sciatic Neuralgia (Sciatica): Relaxation of muscle tension and postural realignment is the best way forward. Low Sex Drive: Life improving, fun, therapeutic or targetted treatments help here to increase libido. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Don't let this get the better of you over the winter, treat yourself instead. Sleep Disorders (Insomnia): Bringing hormonal balance back to the body also brings profound change. Parkinson's Disease: The changes that occur in someone with this condition will bring a tear to the eye. I know because I was there and saw Spinal Touch change a man's life, and that of his primary carer. I'm not ashamed to say, we all cried. It was a beautiful thing, to see this man, who needed constant assistance, after 20yrs of Parkinson's had taken his speech, slowed his movement to a crawl, and doubled him over with pain, walk back to the car on his own. I firmly believe, the sooner people cotton on to the idea of preventative therapy, the healthier they will be, long term. But one of the reasons this doesn't happen, I suspect, is because most of us pay little attention to our health until it breaks down, and we go from one crisis to another with knee jerk reactions, appointments, medications and treatment plans, without ever realizing this can have a detrimental effect on the body. Most people join the gym AFTER they've had a heart attack or other scare! There is strong scientific evidence to show that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. Exercise can reduce the risk of major illnesses such as healt disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers by up to 50%, and lower the risk of early death by up to 30%. So on that basis palliative treatment is a good thing and should be considered by anyone who has a regularly recurring condition, or a slow onset condition that can have its path influenced with timely intervention. My message to you is simple. More and more people are coming to realize that palliative treatment is the way forward and are taking the life changing decision to do something for themselves on a regular basis. I'm happy to treat anyone through a crisis, but much prefer to see them happy and healthy over a longer period. Then, if the worst should happen, and they are involved in a health crisis, like sciatica, I know that because they are otherwise at their peak, this is only going to be a short 'blip' and very soon they will be back on their feet, ready to take on the world and it's troubles. If this idea resonates with you, I invite you to visit The Haven Healing Centre in Cheddar for a course of regular palliative treatments, conveniently spaced to suit your budget and availability. Appointments and advice are available by clicking here. I look forward to welcoming you soon. Phil. Please share this page with your friends. Thank you.
Note: DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. It's a small investment in yourself, but could be a life-changing experience you will cherish forever. |
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