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Needle Phobia Treatment and CounsellingNeedle phobia anxiety treatment for adults and childrenDo you avoid the dentist, vaccinations and blood work? Simple, effective treatment available NOW!Find Relief from the Terror of Needle Phobia (WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS IMAGES) Click here for a text only version If you are needle phobic, please read with caution! Trypanophobia is the correct term, and is the extreme and irrational fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. The name that is in common usage is simply needle phobia. The condition was officially recognized in 1994 in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition) as a specific phobia of blood/injection/injury type. Phobic level responses to injections cause sufferers to avoid inoculations, blood tests and in the more severe cases, any medical care at all. It is estimated that at least 10% of adults have a needle phobia, and it is likely that the actual number is larger, as the most severe cases are never documented due to the tendency of the sufferer to simply avoid all medical treatment. According to Dr. James Hamilton, author of the pioneering paper on needle phobia, it is likely that the form of needle phobia that is genetic has some basis in evolution, given that thousands of years ago humans who meticulously avoided stab wounds and other incidences of pierced flesh would have a greater chance of survival. Because of the increasing importance placed on pre-diagnosis blood testing and the reliance on mass vaccination for public health, needle phobia is a condition that is becoming more and more of an issue with modern medical practice. This makes the problems of needle phobia a health care issue that must be addressed. For many needle phobics, going to hospital or the doctors surgery to get a cut like this one (on the right) stitched would be impossible. Of course, the potential consequences of not receiving adequate treatment for a deep cut can be quite severe, even life threatening. How can I tell if I've got a needle phobia?
I have been treating this condition for several years, and over that time have developed a very effective treatment program, using a gentle relaxation routine, some trance meditation thrown in for deepening, a big slice of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techinque), a smidgen of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and the best of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) anchoring techniques. I'm sure, most people will be none the wiser now, but sufficient to say, that this treatment system, in the main, only requires ONE go. That's not a promise, but we aim for a ONE TIME session, two at most. See below on how to give this a try. There are several types of needle phobia Vaso-vagal Trypanophobia - This is potentially the most dangerous. Although most specific phobias stem from the individual themselves, the most common type of trypanophobia, affecting 50% of trypanophobes, is an inherited reflex. Approximately 80% of trypanophobes report that a relative within the first degree exhibits the same disorder. People who suffer from the vaso-vagal type, fear the sight, thought or feeling of needles or needle-like objects. The primary symptom of vaso-vagal trypanophobia is fainting due to a decrease of blood pressure. Other symptoms include feeling faint, sweating, nausea, pallor, tinnitus, panic attacks and initially high blood pressure and heart rate followed by a plunge in both at the moment of injection. Although most phobias are dangerous to some degree, trypanophobia is one of the few that actually kills. In cases of severe trypanophobia, the drop in blood pressure caused by the vaso-vagal shock reflex may cause death. I don't want to play this down, or appear flippant, but in all the cases that I have treated, this was never a threat because the method I use is designed to cancel the panic before it ever creates a problem. Associative Trypanophobia is the second most common type of trypanophobia, affecting 30% of needle phobics. This type of trypanophobia is the classic specific phobia in which a traumatic event such as an extremely painful medical procedure or witnessing a family member or friend undergo such, causes the patient to associate all procedures involving needles with the original negative experience. This form of trypanophobia causes symptoms that are primarily psychological in nature, such as extreme unexplained anxiety, insomnia, preoccupation with the coming procedure and panic attacks. Resistive Trypanophobia occurs when the underlying fear involves not simply needles or injections but also being controlled or restrained. It typically stems from repressive upbringing or poor handling of prior needle procedures i.e with forced physical or emotional restraint. This form of trypanophobia affects around 20% of needle phobes. Symptoms of this form of trypanophobia include combativeness, high heart rate coupled with extremely high blood pressure, violent resistance, avoidance and flight. Hyperalgesic Trypanophobia is another form of trypanophobia that does not have as much to do with fear of the actual needle. Patients with this form of trypanophobia have an inherited hypersensitivity to pain, or hyperalgesia. To them, the pain of an injection is unbearably great and many cannot understand how anyone can tolerate such procedures. This form of trypanophobia affects around 10% of needle phobes. The symptoms of this form of trypanophobia include extreme explained anxiety, and elevated blood pressure and heart rate at the immediate point of needle penetration or seconds before. If you are wondering what this treatment entails, I want to assure you that it is painless, simple, relatively quick and very consistent. We first establish the actual circumstances that you find intolerable or which cause you the most grief. This allows me to plan and fine tune the session to suit your particular circumstances. Please feel free to ask any questions you wish prior to booking, and to work out a costing, allow around 2hrs in total. So convinced am I that this is the perfect solution to this problem, that I plan to film a full session very soon and make it available on DVD as a teaching tool for other therapists to use in their practices. So if you find that you are too far away to come for treatment right now, there may be someone near you fairly soon, that will be able to follow the set procedures that I use here. Treatment Most people, when asked, know their needle phobia is irrational. Most can also pinpoint a time when they first had a bad experience with needles, either in hospital, a doctor's surgery or at the dentist. Something happened that sent the conscious mind into a panic about life or death, and this became hard-wired into the subconscious as a reason to be worried. Because we think a certain way, whenever the same situation arises again, we become angry, sad, fearful, panicky, anxious. Our mind thinks the worst and makes provision. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The WIDE AWAKE treatment I call this 'The Wide Awake Treatment', because it seems to me many therapists I come across who treat this want to put you to sleep, or hypnotise you, sell you some expensive literature, or get you involved in a past life regression technique. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) has proven to be a very effective strategy for eliminating many types of fear and phobia. To help you conquer your needle phobia without drugs and break the cycle of panic and the avoidance of medical procedures, I invite you to come to The Haven Healing Centre to find out more. EFT is my therapy of choice for Needle Phobia and Needle Stick Injuries. All instances, from a simple cholesterol test, to a full set of bloods. I advise anyone currently suffering with Needle Phobia to visit The Haven Healing Centre in Cheddar for a course of treatment. Appointments and a treatment price list are available by clicking here. I look forward to welcoming you soon where we can talk about a treatment plan structured around your needs. Phil. Please share this page with your friends. Thank you.
Note: DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. It's a small investment in yourself, but could be a life-changing experience you will cherish forever. | ||
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